Uibat V
Data sheet | |
Identifier | Khakassia 5 |
Alternative names | E-34, Kara Kurgan of Uibat |
Place of origin | Republic of Khakassia, Russia |
Date | Unknown |
GPS Coordinates | No exact coordinates available |
Current location | Original location |
Curator's URL | Unknown |
Material | Stone |
Tamga | No |
Historical affiliation | Enisei Kyrgyz |
Deciphered | Yes |
3D representation | No |
Map | |
The inscription was found by Pallas in 1793, then rediscovered by Castrén in 1847 and by Aspelin in 1888. It was located four kilometres from the right bank of the river Uibat, about 12 kilometres from its mouth, at the foot of a burial mound called Kara Kurgan. It is two kilometres north-west of another burial mound known as Chalgys Oba. The stele measures 3.15 metres high, 1.46 metres wide, and has a thickness between 22 and 27 centimetres. The inscription itself is 2 metres long, with characters ranging in height from 8 to 16 centimetres. It still seems to be in its original location, 4.5 kilometres east of the village Il'ich.
Radloff (1895, 342), Orkun (1940, 147, 154), Малов (1952, 65), Кызласов and Кызласов (1976), Васильев (1983, 26-27, 65-66, 105), Кормушин (2008, 23-25, 127), Усеев (2011, 478), Yıldırım, Aydın and Alimov (2013, 97-98), Aydın (2015, 96-97), Kormuşin, Mozioğlu, Alimov and Yıldırım (2016, 127-128), Aydın (2019, 124), Rentzsch and Yıldız (2020, 76-80, 104)
- ... : nŋyrdA : KšwKṬṣ : BL ...
- ... näŋ yerdä qašoq taš ...
- ... somewhere the Kashok stone ...
Grapheme inventory
Pictures and drawings
Aspelin, Johann Reinhold, Donner, Otto 1889. Inscriptions de l'Iénissei: recueillies et publiées par la Société finlandaise d'archeologie. Helsingfors: Imprimerie de la Société de littérature finnoise.
Aydın, Erhan 2015. Yenisey Yazıtları. Konya: Kömen Yayınları.
Aydın, Erhan 2019. Sibirya'da Türk İzleri: Yenisey Yazıtları. Istanbul: Kronik Kitap.
Kormuşin, İgor, Mozioğlu, Emine, Alimov, Risbek, Yıldırım, Fikret 2016. Yenisey - Altay - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Kâǧıda Yazılı Runik Belgeler. Ankara: BilgeSu.
Orkun, Hüseyin Namık 1940. Eski Türk Yazıtları, 3. İstanbul: Devlet Basımevi.
Radloff, Wilhelm 1895. Die alttürkischen Inschriften der Mongolei. St. Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Radloff, Friedrich Wilhelm 1896. Atlas der Alterthümer der Mongolei, 3. St. Petersburg: Akademie.
Rentzsch, Julian, Yıldız, Hülya 2020. The Uybat inscriptions: A group of Old Turkic runic texts from the Yenisei area. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker, 30).
Yıldırım, Fikret, Aydın, Erhan, Alimov, Risbek 2013. Yenisey - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Irk Bitig. Ankara: BilgeSu.
Васильев, Дмитрий Дмитриевич 1983. Корпус тюркских рунических памятников бассейна Енисея. Ленинград:
Кормушин, Игорь Валентинович 2008. Тюркские енисейские эпитафии: Грамматика, текстология. Москва: Наука.
Кызласов, Леонид Романович, Кызласов, Игорь Леонидович 1976. ‘Средневековая пограничная надпись с низовьев Уйбата (Хакасия)’, Советская тюркология 1976(1): 58–65.
Малов, Сергей Ефимович 1952. Енисейская письменность тюрков: Тексты и переводы. Москва, Ленинград: Наука.
Усеев, Нурдин 2011. Енисей жазма эстеликтери, 1: Лексикасы жана текстер. Бишкек: Турар басмасы.
András, Anita, Károly, László 2023, 20 November. ‘Uibat V’, in László Károly, Julian Rentzsch (eds) A Database of Turkic Runiform Inscriptions, Uppsala: Department of Linguistics and Philology. URL: https://www.runiform.lingfil.uu.se/wiki/Uibat V (accessed 17 Jan 2025)