Data sheet
Tyva 2
Alternative names
E-10, Körtle Khan inscription, Elegest of Ulug Khem
Place of origin
Republic of Tyva, Russia
GPS Coordinates
No exact coordinates available
Current location
Minusinsk Martyanov Museum
Curator's URL
Historical affiliation
Enisei Kyrgyz
3D representation
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The inscription was found by Aspelin in 1888 on the left bank of the river Elegest, about seven kilometres far from its influx. The stone was transported to the Minusinsk Martyanov Museum in 1915 and catalogued under No. 19. It measures 320 x 66 x 20 centimetres.
Radloff (1895, 311-314), Orkun (1940, 179-183), Малов (1952, 25-28), Васильев (1983, 18, 60, 88-89), Aalto (1991, 35-37), Кормушин (1997, 228-242), Базылхан (2005, 177, 329), Кормушин (2008, 100-102), Yıldırım, Aydın and Alimov (2013, 40-44), Aydın (2015, 51-55), Kormuşin, Mozioğlu, Alimov and Yıldırım (2016, 68-72), Aydın (2019, 64-69)
- KWYDA : KWnǰYmA : szmA : YIṬA : ẄzdA WGLm : szmA : DRLṬmA : YIṬA
- yẄzr : KDšm WYRN : Ẅčn : yẄzrn : lg : Ẅkzn : tkdI ...
- kẄẅktŋrIdA : kẄnYszrmš : YIṬA : szmA : DRLṬmA
- KNm : elmA : szmA : YIṬA ... bẅkmdm : KNmelmA : YIṬA : DRLṬm
- kẄrtlKN : LWRŊWLṬWNLG: ks : gnn ... bldA ... : ṬWKzskzWn : YšDA
- WrŊWkẄlg : ṬwK : bẄgẄtrknA : KŊm : bg : rdm : Ẅčn : b ...
- KRA : BWDNm : KṬGLNŊ eltẄrsn : IDmŊ : YIṬA : sz : lm : KNm
- elmWGRNṬA : sẄ : BWLp : rlrmdẅkmYwK : čblgdA : brtgmdA : skz : r : lrdm
- elmWṬšŋAbIrKILNW ...
- BWŊ : BŊA : BnBṬrms : Ẅldm : YIṬA : szmA : YLQnYnA
- tẄrtDK : YILKm : skzDK : LG : BRmm : BWŊm : YWwK : rdm
- KDšmA : kenmA : DRLṬmA : YIṬA : KRA : BWDNmA : DRLṬm : YIṬA : mn
- quyda[1] qunǰuyïm a äsizim a[2] ayït a[3] özdä oɣlïm äsizim a adrïltïm a ayït a
- yüz är qadašïm uyurïn üčün yüz ärin älig öküzin ...
- kök täŋridä kün ay äsiz ärmiš ayït a äsizim a adrïltïm a
- qanïm elim a äsizim a ayït a ... bökmädim qanïm elim a ayït a adrïltïm
- körtlä qan[4] al uruŋu altunlïɣ käšig ... bäldä ... toquz säkiz on yašda
- uruŋu külig toq bögü tärkän a qaŋïm bäg ärdäm üčün ...
- qara bodunïm qatïɣlanïŋ el törösin ïdmaŋ ayït a äsiz älim qanïm
- elim uɣrïnta sü bolïp ...[5] yoq ... säkiz är ...
- elim ...
- buŋ baŋa ... bat ärmiš öldim ayït a äsizim a ...
- tört adaq yïlqïm säkiz adaqlïɣ barïmïm[6] buŋïm yoq ärdim
- qadašïm a äkenim a adrïltïm a ayïta qara bodunïm a adrïltïm ayït a män
- O my consort in the secluded place! O my sorrow! May thou say! O my son in the valley! O my sorrow! O, I departed. May thou say!
- Because of the capability of my hundred kinsmen ... with hundred kinsmen and fifty oxen.
- Both the Sun and the Moon in the blue sky were weighed down in sorrow. May thou say! O my sorrow! O, I departed.
- O my khan, o my realm! O my sorrow! May thou say! ... I did not get fully satiated. My khan, my realm! May thou say sorrow! I departed.
- [I am] Körtlä khan, the Al Uruŋu. ... a golden quiver ... round my waist. I was seventy nine.
- O Uruŋu Külig Tok Bögü Tärkän! Because of the merit of my father, the beg ...
- Exert yourself my common people! Do not repudiate the unwritten law of the realm! May thou say, my sorrowful people and khan!
- My realm set up an army in the right time ... eight men ...
- My realm ...
- The grief was ... to me. I died. May thou say, o my sorrow! ...
- My four legged livestock, my eight legged properties. I did not get grief.
- O my kinsmen, o my progeny! I departed. May thou say! O my common people! I departed. May thou say!
- ↑ We interpret the words quy and öz as two different parts of a valley: a secluded, protected part and a central, open one, respectively.
- ↑ Tekin (1964) pointed out that the runiform letters ⟨sIz⟩ are to be read as äsiz 'alas'.
- ↑ The runiform letters ⟨YITA⟩ are read as ayït a, that is the second person imperative of the verb ayït- 'to say' with interjection.
- ↑ The letters ⟨kẄrtlKN⟩ are interpreted by Tekin (1995, 20), Кормушин (1997, 236-237; 2008, 101) and Sertkaya (2017) as körtlä qan. Since the final vowel of körtlä is not written, it is either a mistake in the inscription or the two words were handled by the author as one unit, i.e. a compound. See the inscription Elegest II with plene writing of the vowel in ⟨kẄrtlA⟩ körtlä. Cf. the word körtlä 'beautiful' appearing in other Old Turkic sources. The interpretations kürt el kan by Orkun (1940, 180) and kört äl kan by Malov (1952, 26) are unlikely.
- ↑ The runiform letters ⟨rlrmdẅkmYwK⟩ are interpreted by Sertkaya (1995, 739) as er ölürmedüküm yok '(düşman askeri) öldürdüm' and (2010, 211-212) är ölürmädükim 'er (savaşçı) öldürmediğim', whereas Кормушин (2008, 101) reads ärlärmädükim joq 'ja (lichno) ne porazhal voinov (vraga)'. Since neither is convincing, we leave this passage for the time being uninterpreted.
- ↑ The phrase säkiz adaqlïɣ barïm most likely describes properties or belongings of the pastoral nomads pulled by four legged draught animals on four wheeled carts, hence the number eight.
Grapheme inventory
Pictures and drawings
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