Elegest II
Data sheet | |
Identifier | Tyva 13 |
Alternative names | E-52, Kezelekh Tagh |
Place of origin | Republic of Tyva, Russia |
Date | Unknown |
GPS Coordinates | No exact coordinates available |
Current location | Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tyva, Aldyn Doshka branch |
Curator's URL | https://музейтыва.рф/?page id=11373 |
Material | Stone |
Tamga | Tamga5 |
Historical affiliation | Enisei Kyrgyz |
Deciphered | Yes |
3D representation | No |
Map | |
The inscription was found by Granö in 1907 and then by Teploukhov in 1926 on a hill on the right bank of the river Elegest, about two and a half kilometres east of the village Elegest. It consists of three vertical lines, read from bottom to top on three sides, with a tamga[1] on the fourth, one of the wider sides of the stele. Palimpsest drawings can be observed on both wider sides of the stele, albeit they are unreadable (Кормушин 1997, 175). The stone was transported to the Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tyva in 1960. It measures 107 centimetres in height, 16-17 centimetres in depth and 32-12 centimetres in width from bottom to top (Кормушин 1997, 174).
Малов (1959, 70, 72), Арагачи (1961), Батманов and Кунаа (1963 a, 35-37), Кызласов (1965, 111-113), Васильев (1983, 19, 70, 91), Aalto (1991, 58-61), Рəҹəбов and Мəммəдов (1993, 316-318), Кормушин (1997, 174-177), Кормушин (2008, 144), Yıldırım, Aydın and Alimov (2013, 131-132) Aydın (2015, 125-126), Kormuşin, Mozioğlu, Alimov and Yıldırım (2016, 159-161), Aydın (2019, 168-169)
- kẄrtlA : šŊWnbn : čm : KNm ...
- bgẄtrkn : rrdmmdA
- čč : BRšG : RAšŊWN :
- I am Körtle Shangun. My elder brother, my khan ...
- Bögü Tärkän, in my manly virtue.
- ... Shangun.
- ↑ It is a subtype of the “western” type of tamga and identical to the one on Elegest IV (Кормушин 1997: 174).
- ↑ For the word körtlä, see Sertkaya (2017) and Elegest I.
- ↑ This line of the inscription is read by Кормушын (1997, 176; 2008, 144) as ⟨čč : BRšGRAšŊWN⟩ čač bar saɣra saŋun.
Grapheme inventory
Pictures and drawings
Aalto, Pentti 1991. ‘Old Turkic epigraphic materials (Gathered by J. G. Granö)’, Journal de la Société Finno Ougrienne 83: 7–78.
Aydın, Erhan 2015. Yenisey Yazıtları. Konya: Kömen Yayınları.
Aydın, Erhan 2019. Sibirya'da Türk İzleri: Yenisey Yazıtları. Istanbul: Kronik Kitap.
Kormuşin, İgor, Mozioğlu, Emine, Alimov, Risbek, Yıldırım, Fikret 2016. Yenisey - Altay - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Kâǧıda Yazılı Runik Belgeler. Ankara: BilgeSu.
Sertkaya, Osman Fikri 1995. ‘Göktürk Tarihinin Meseleleri: Yenisey Yazıtlarının Yayınlarındaki Bazı Okuma ve Anlamlandırmaların Düzeltilmesi, Yeni Okuma ve Anlamlandırma Teklifleri’, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı-Belleten 1993: 67–75.
Sertkaya, Osman Fikri 2017. ‘Yenisey Yazıtlarından E-10’da KẄRTL, E-52’de İse KẄRTLA Şeklinde Geçen Kelimeyi ‘Kür(ü)t(ü)l’ mü Yoksa ‘Körtle’ mi Okumalıyız?’, Journal of Old Turkic Studies 1: 113–127.
Yıldırım, Fikret, Aydın, Erhan, Alimov, Risbek 2013. Yenisey - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Irk Bitig. Ankara: BilgeSu.
Арагачи, З. В. 1961.
‘Памятник с Элегеста’, Ученые записки Тувинского НИИЯЛИ 9: 235–237.
Батманов, Игорь Алексеевич, Кунаа, Александр Чайбарович 1963 a. Памятники древнетюркской письменности тувы, 1. Кызыл: Тувинское книжное издательство.
Васильев, Дмитрий Дмитриевич 1983. Корпус тюркских рунических памятников бассейна Енисея. Ленинград: Наука.
Кызласов, Леонид Р. 1965. ‘Новый памятник енисейской письменности’, Советская этнография 1965(2): 104–113.
Малов, Сергей Ефимович 1952. Енисейская письменность тюрков: Тексты и переводы. Москва, Ленинград: Наука.
Рəҹəбов, Ə., Мəммəдов, J. 1993. Орхон-Јенисеј абидəлəри. Бакы: Язычы.
Кормушин, Игорь Валентинович 1997. Тюркские енисейские эпитафии: Тексты и исследования. Москва: Наука.
Кормушин, Игорь Валентинович 2008. Тюркские енисейские эпитафии: Грамматика, текстология. Москва: Наука.
András, Anita, Károly, László 2024, 27 February. ‘Elegest II’, in László Károly, Julian Rentzsch (eds) A Database of Turkic Runiform Inscriptions, Uppsala: Department of Linguistics and Philology. URL: https://www.runiform.lingfil.uu.se/wiki/Elegest II (accessed 15 Jan 2025)