Data sheet
Tyva 3
Alternative names
E-11, M-40
Place of origin
Republic of Tyva, Russia
GPS Coordinates
No exact coordinates available
Current location
Minusinsk Martyanov Museum
Curator's URL
Historical affiliation
Enisei Kyrgyz
3D representation
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The inscription was found by Oshurkov in 1892 at the river Begre, a tributary of the Enisei. The stone was transported to the Minusinsk Martyanov Museum in 1916 and catalogued under No. 40 as part of the open air exhibition. It measures 143 x 39 x 27 centimetres. The text runs on all the four sides of the stone. A 3D model of the stone is available in the database of the RSSDA Laboratory under the number VE0701.
Radloff (1895, 314-317), Orkun (1940, 71-76), Малов (1952, 29-34), Батманов and Кунаа (1963 b, 24-27), Васильев (1983, 19-20, 61, 92), Кормушин (1997, 270-276), Аманжолов (2003, 119-121), Базылхан (2005, 178, 330), Кормушин (2008, 102-104), Yıldırım, Aydın and Alimov (2013, 44-47), Aydın (2015, 55-59), Kormuşin, Mozioğlu, Alimov and Yıldırım (2016, 72-76), Aydın (2019, 69-75)
- Front side
- tẄrpA . IčrkIḅn . ḅṣygrmIYšDA . LNmṣmKWnǰYmA . BWŊA . DRLDmA . sIzmA . kẄnAYA . zDmA
- Left side
- bšygrmI . YšmDA . TBGčKNGA . BRDMA . rrdmmẄčn . LPWN . LTWN . kẄmšg . grItbAeldA . kIšI : KzGNDmA
- ytI : bẄrI . ẄlrdmA . BRšG . kẅkmkg . ẄlrmdmA[1]
- Back side
- BWDNmA . kInmAKDšmA . DRLDmA . bẅkmdmA
- elmAKNmAbẅkmdmA . YšmytIytmšzDmA .
- ndLGDšmAndšIzmAdgẄṣmADRLDmA
- Right side
- Front side
- tör apa ičräki bän bäš yägirmi yašda alïnmïšïm[2] qunǰuyïm a buŋ a adrïldïm a äsizim a[3] kün a ay a azdïm a
- üč oɣlïm adrïldïm a ayïta[4] bökmädim a qatïɣlanɣïl
- Left side
- bäš yigirmi yašïmda tabɣač qanɣa bardïm a är ärdämim üčün alpun altun kümüšig ägri täbä eldä kiši qazɣandïm a
- yäti böri ölürdim a barsïɣ kökmäkig ölürmädim a
- Back side
- yärim a ayït a subïm a adrïldïm buŋ a äsizim a ayït a
- bodunïm a äkinim a qadašïm a adrïldïm a bökmädim a
- elim a qanïm a bökmädim a yašïm yäti yätmiš azdïm a
- yatda tüŋürim a adrïltïm a
- andlïɣ adašïm a andsïzïm a ädgü äšim a adrïldïm a
- Right side
- säkiz adaqlïɣ barïmïɣ[5] ... yïlqï tükäti ... anda bökmädim a ayït a ürüŋimgä qaramɣa azdïm a
- Front side
- I am Tör Apa, from the ruling class. O my consort whom I married when I was fifteen! O, what a grief! O, I departed! O my sorrow! O Sun and Moon! I have lost my way!
- O my three sons, I departed. May thou say! I did not get fully satiated! Exert yourself!
- Left side
- O, I was fifteen when I went to the Tabgach khan! Because of my manly virtues and toughness I acquired gold, silver, humped camels and people for the realm.
- I killed seven wolves! I did not kill large felines or deer!
- Back side
- O my land, may thou say, o my water! I departed! O, what a grief! O my sorrow! May thou say!
- O my people, o my progeny, o my kinsmen! I departed! I did not get fully satiated!
- O my realm, o my khan! I did not get fully satiated! I was sixty seven. I lost my way!
- O my relations by marriage being in foreign countries! I departed!
- O my sworn and unsworn comrades, o my good companion! I departed!
- Right side
- ... my eight legged properties. I went ... livestock completely. I did not get fully satiated there! May thou say! I lost my noblemen and common people!
- ↑ The final word on the left side in line 2 is written most probably mistakenly as ⟨RlrmdmA⟩. The correct form should have been ⟨ẄlrmdmA⟩, see ⟨R⟩ and ⟨Ẅ⟩.
- ↑ The word alïnmïšïm is not a finite form as sometimes suggested in the literature, see e.g. 'ya bȳl vzyat (na vospitanie k kitaĭtsam)' in Малов (1952, 29), but a non-finite participle headed by the noun qunǰuy.
- ↑ Tekin (1964) pointed out that the runiform letters ⟨sIz⟩ are to be read as äsiz 'alas'.
- ↑ The runiform letters ⟨YITA⟩ are read as ayït a, that is the 2nd person imperative of the verb ayït- 'to say' with interjection.
- ↑ The phrase säkiz adaqlïɣ barïm most likely describes properties or belongings of the pastoral nomads pulled by four legged draught animals on four wheeled carts, hence the number eight.
Grapheme inventory
Pictures and drawings
Aydın, Erhan 2015. Yenisey Yazıtları. Konya:
Kömen Yayınları.
Aydın, Erhan 2019. Sibirya'da Türk İzleri: Yenisey Yazıtları. Istanbul:
Kronik Kitap.
Kormuşin, İgor, Mozioğlu, Emine, Alimov, Risbek, Yıldırım, Fikret 2016. Yenisey - Altay - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Kâǧıda Yazılı Runik Belgeler. Ankara:
Еnisei, Talas, TurkestanKormuşinMozioğluAlimovYıldırım2016TurkishLatin
Orkun, Hüseyin Namık 1940. Eski Türk Yazıtları, 3. İstanbul:
Devlet Basımevi.
Radloff, Wilhelm 1895. Die alttürkischen Inschriften der Mongolei. St. Petersburg:
Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Yenisei, OrkhonRadloff1895GermanLatin
Radloff, Friedrich Wilhelm 1896. Atlas der Alterthümer der Mongolei, 3. St. Petersburg:
Yenisei, OrkhonRadloff1896GermanLatin
Tekin, Talat 1964.
‘On a misinterpreted word in the Old Turkic inscriptions’, Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher 35: 134–144.
Enisei, Orkhon, TalasTekin1964EnglishLatin
Thomsen, Vilhelm 1916. Turcica. Études concernant l'interprétation des inscriptions turques de la Mongolie et de la Sibérie. Helsingfors:
Société Finno-Ougrienne (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 37).
Orkhon, EniseiThomsen1916FrenchLatin
Yıldırım, Fikret, Aydın, Erhan, Alimov, Risbek 2013. Yenisey - Kırgızistan Yazıtları ve Irk Bitig. Ankara:
Yenisei, Talas, TurkestanYıldırımAydınAlimov2013TurkishLatin
Аманжолов, Алтай Серсанович 2003. История и теория древнетюркского письма. Алматы:
Еnisei, Orkhon, TalasАманжолов2003RussianCyrillic
Базылхан, Нәпіл (ed.) 2005. Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері, 2: Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас). Алматы:
Enisei, Talas, OrkhonБазылхан2005KazakCyrillic
Батманов, Игорь Алексеевич, Кунаа, Александр Чайбарович 1963 b. Памятники древнетюркской письменности тувы, 2. Кызыл:
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Васильев, Дмитрий Дмитриевич 1983. Корпус тюркских рунических памятников бассейна Енисея. Ленинград:
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Щербак, Александр Михайлович 1970.
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